Thursday, 11 October 2018

Interview Experience:Keysight Technologies

Position: R&D software Engineer

2 Round

1) Software
2) Electronics

1)Software--Ask about C++

Make a Program to Reverse a String of array

Make a Program to Reverse array with also changing a index

Requirnment:Able to evaluate each iteration

2)Electeronics--As I done Amplifier So Ask me about

what are characteristic of Amplifier
Answered !

what is Pdb in amplifier
Don't knew ! I though Power in Db :-p

how to increase a gain in amplifier
Given a Equation and Told by changing parameter

Correct Answer was Cascade

how to increase bandwidth of amplifier
Told by changing feedback capacitor.

Working on Developing Content for Interview so stay tuned on this blog

What Interviewer wants from you

Ideally Candidate
--who is perfectionist
--whose covers 100% facts(in theory field) about the skills required in interview
--Able to answer practical questions(this is most).Know a precise detail about them..capability to play with those question further

So In order to witness above skills companies ask for aptitude

Moral of The Interview

Great Cadidates Not Step back to evaluate details in their solution and problem given to them.They Enjoy solving for every iterations

Great Candidates Not Give up solving Equations after first tip

In Short they don't Give up in any mean

Notice ; The Confidence is a nessesity(basic need) so i didn't mentioned

If you differ with interviwer
Say Sir, I beg to differ with you

Otherwise if some negative phrase from interviewer
Say Sorry Sir

Some Interview Lines

Member 3 : (X-A) (X-B) has highest X power of 2. Do you agree? 
Raju: Yes, Sir. 
Member 3: (X-A) (X-B) (X-C) has highest X power... 
Raju: 3, Sir. 
Member 3: Then, tell me. What is the answer for (X-A) (X-B).... (X-Z). 
Raju: (after 3-4 seconds), It must be Zero. Sir, because of the presence of the term (X-X).